A sacred life is sacred if YOU choose to make it so.
To live a sacred life means to do things intentionally and this can mean trading in routines for rituals. A ritual implies collaboration with the present moment, while a routine is something we do without thinking; it’s more automatic or subconscious.
Here at Sacred Anarchy, we are immersed in living a sacred life, one that is intentionally lived like a rite of passage.
A rite (root of ritual) is a formal or ceremonial act or procedure that is spiritual in nature.
It involves a set of:
prescribed practices (daily, weekly, seasonally, etc…)
rituals (intentional performances)
observances performed for a specific purpose (of your choice)
Rites generally mark important life events, transitions, or stages (rebirths), and are often designed to convey meaning, symbolic actions that hold significance within a particular community or cultural context, or establish a connection with the divine or the sacred.
But they can also be something as simple as rearranging your furniture, cleaning out clutter, or revamping your wardrobe if performed and symbolic for renewal.
Life is sacred and it is our job to make it so.
However, so many of us have sacrificed intentionally living for scrolling endlessly on digital devices, social media trolling, hiding behind email, or rushing through life never thinking for a moment that the present moment is what we are missing.
We miss out on sacred relationships that could be nourished or created, if we’d just make a conscious and intentional effort to connect heart-to-heart, living being to living being.
But the world has become robotic.
We live in a world where ghosting each other, avoiding uncomfortable conversations, or speaking our mind because it’s too costly for the ego. Yet, this is how life becomes mundane and sacrifices the sacred art of living.
With all the technological advances it’s surprising how much we have lost touch. Without knowing so, people treat each other like “the strawman”.
As I discuss extensively in the Sacred Anarchy Teacher Training and Inner Temple Magick Academy, alchemy is a process of turning lead (base consciousness) into gold (higher consciousness) and the same holds true for a sacred life.
A sacred life goes through it’s own metamorphosis or alchemy in 3 stages:
In the first phase of a rite of passage, known as "Separation," we undergo a process of detachment from current social context, marking the beginning of a transformative journey. This separation is both symbolic and tangible, representing a departure from the familiar and a stepping away from the roles and norms associated with your previous state of being.
Symbolically, separation can manifest through rituals, ceremonies, or symbolic actions that signify your transition into a different phase of life. This may involve rituals such as purification ceremonies, symbolic clothing changes, reimagined and redecorated sacred spaces, or other rites that clearly delineate the separation from the previous state.
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Tangibly, separation can involve physical distance or isolation from the usual social environment. This physical removal allows you to break away from the routines, expectations, and relationships of your everyday life. This distancing creates a psychological and emotional space for introspection and prepares you for the challenges and transformations that lie ahead.
The separation phase serves several essential purposes:
Psychological Shift: The act of separation induces a psychological shift, signaling to the individual that they are entering a different realm or stage in life.
Symbolic Cleansing: Symbolic rituals associated with separation often include acts of cleansing or purification, symbolizing the shedding of the old self and preparing for the new.
Initiation of Change: By physically and symbolically leaving behind the familiar, the individual opens themselves up to change, growth, and new possibilities.
Ultimately, the separation phase is a crucial element in the structure of rites of passage, setting the stage for the subsequent phases of liminality and incorporation. Through this initial detachment, the individual enters a state of transition and vulnerability, laying the groundwork for the profound transformations that await them.
Transition (or liminality):
“Transition” is the phase of ambiguity and change, where you undergo a process of transformation, learning, or initiation. It is a period of reflection, learning, and often involves challenges or tests.
During the liminal phase, you’ll often experience a sense of disorientation and ambiguity. It is a period of transformation and self-discovery where you may be temporarily separated from your usual social roles and norms.
The liminal stage is characterized by a suspension of the ordinary rules and expectations, allowing for personal growth, learning, and a reevaluation of your identity, and ego attachment.
Key features of liminality include:
Ambiguity: The boundaries between the previous and future social roles are unclear, and individuals may be in a state of flux.
Learning & Transformation: Liminal phases often involve challenges, tests, or rituals that facilitate personal growth and transformation.
Community: The sense of community or fellowship that arises among individuals in the liminal stage, often based on shared experiences of transition.
Incorporation (or reaggregation):
The phase of "Incorporation" marks the culmination of the your journey through the rite of passage.
In this phase, you have undergone the necessary transformations during the liminal period, is reintegrated into society, now equipped with your new identity or sacred rebirth.
This reintegration is a symbolic homecoming, where you “return to your community”, not as the person who left but as someone fundamentally changed.
Reintegration into Society: The incorporation phase involves the individual's return to the community or social group from which they initially separated. This return is a significant moment as it completes the cycle of the rite of passage, affirming the individual's place within the broader social fabric.
New Identity: The individual returns with a new identity or role that reflects the changes experienced during the liminal phase — including the home, dress, disposition, interests, etc... This identity is often recognized and acknowledged by the community, signifying that the individual has successfully navigated the challenges and growth associated with the rite of passage.
Welcoming Rituals: Communities or family often organize welcoming rituals or ceremonies to receive and acknowledge the transformed individual. These ceremonies may include celebratory events, feasts, or symbolic gestures that emphasize the individual's new status and the community's acceptance of this change.
Acknowledgment of Growth: The community or family recognizes the individual's personal growth, acquired knowledge, or skills gained during the rite of passage. The returned individual may now hold a different position, carry new responsibilities, or contribute to the community in ways aligned with their transformed identity.
Continued Support: While the individual has completed the formal rite of passage, the support and guidance from the community may continue as they adjust to their new role. The community plays a crucial role in helping the individual navigate the challenges and expectations associated with their transformed identity.
Symbolic Gestures: The process of incorporation may involve symbolic acts or gestures that represent the individual’s reintegration into the community. These can vary widely depending on cultural or societal traditions but often serve to emphasize the individual's changed status.
The incorporation phase is essential for maintaining the coherence and stability of the community by recognizing and assimilating the changes brought about by your transformative journey. It reinforces your connection to the community while also acknowledging and celebrating the uniqueness you now bring to the collective or greater good.
Good Vibrations Begin with Pure Intentions
As you can see, living a sacred life is a process and it’s curated with pure intentions. It takes a brave soul to endure this type of living because those around us have defaulted to mundane living.
As they say in the interior design world:
“There are folks who furnish their homes and there are individuals who decorate their sacred spaces.”
When you trade-in mundane existence for sacred living, your value system shifts and you start seeing the fine details (or decorations) of your chosen life. Things that were once overlooked become obvious “eye sores” of which you can no longer ignore.
This is one of the many reasons I love home decor. My home is where I cleanse and purify my body, prepare healthful meals, lay my head to rest each night, and wake up to begin again, a reminder that my life is what I make of it and every detail matters.
If I’m too busy to make my life sacred or value my commitments, then I’ve fallen out of sacred living and become a victim of mundane existence. And can we really call that a life worth living?
Angel Quintana is the visionary behind Sacred Anarchy, a mystery school and parallel society for rising leaders of the new aeon. Her mission involves guiding initiates to unlock the answers to their profound queries: "Who Am I and Why Am I Here?" With this clarity, they embark on journeys of purpose, reshaping our present world.
She imparts her wisdom in leadership through the unique lens of Western occultism, esoteric psychology, the healing arts, divination, and self-rulership. These teachings serve as the key to her clients strengthening their intuitive faculties, discerning esoteric solutions for life's challenges, and nurturing the archetypal forces residing within them in order to develop an authentic leader within.
Angel is more than an advocate for personal liberation, she's a perpetual devotee to the mysteries of ancient traditions, acknowledging these arts as the core source of her personal healing and accomplishments. As the mentor and mastermind behind the multi-faceted Sacred Anarchy platform, she continues to empower individuals to reach their highest potential, serve their kismet clients®, and transform the world.