Inner Dialogue: The Key to Magick
I don’t know who needs to hear this, but here goes.
If you have a lot of Mercury in your birthchart, are an overachiever, perfectionist, suffer from anxiety, chronic overthinking, depression, panic attacks, OCD, skin picking, regular negative thinking, trauma… you need to know that these things hinder your magick.
Your mental state directly corresponds to your relationship with life.
It directly and indirectly shows you more of what you don’t want because your mind is overactive.
An overactive mind plagued by the things listed above will repel your desires and sadly, will keep you spinning your wheels trying to figure out how to “solve your problems”.
An unwell mind cannot heal its circumstances.
I say this with love.
I’ve been there more times than I would ever care to admit or bother you with the treacherous details.🥲
Your mind is a Mythic City and within your psyche exists a society of civilians called archetypes.
Each archetype correlates to specific areas of your life with different roles being assigned to each one.
Every archetype has a duty that must be fulfilled in order for the internal society to work in harmony.
This society is your inner dialogue.
What you say in the INSIDE matters more than what you say on the OUTSIDE.
This is because it is your inner world where the vibrations of mental chatter are felt more deeply.
These vibrations affect the I AM (the potency of your magick).
I share this with you because like you, I suffer from most of the symptoms (above) my archetypes within me have created and there is nothing more that I want to do than to help myself (and YOU) strengthen your True Divine Will.
Your True Divine Will is your inner power and it’s connected to universal consciousness AND the collective unconscious.
What we are experiencing when we suffer from anxiety, panic attacks, deep sadness, depression, OCD, ADHD, skin picking, resentment…. Is an empathetic reaction to the collective unconscious SHADOW.
How do I know this?
Because there are millions of people suffering from these conditions, which are conditions of the mind.
We live in a mentally unwell world and it is up to us to start cleaning up the gunk in the collective unconscious by taking a good hard look in the mirror.
If you want to tap into your own magick and materialize your dreams and desires, you need to check your inner dialogue.
You need to get to know your inner civilization that is perpetuating that dialogue.
If you’d like to learn my method, join me for a 28-day rituel de jour: THE HEKATE EXPERIENCE
get the invite and free class at
With love,