If you’re interested in being the change this world needs, The Occult Chateau is a great place to start! it is here you will raise your frequency and make yourself a priority. All wisdom starts within.
If you would like to work together, there are many ways we can:
As a Leadership Mystic and occult practitioner, I help initiates answer the question WHO AM I & WHY AM I HERE, so they can become high vibrational magicians and help shape the new aeon.
I teach my clients and students how to tap into the features of their esoteric technology; heal their divine vessel, dissolve egregores & banish from fear from their consciousness, decode the movies playing in their subconscious mind, and discover WHY THEY’RE HERE.
Through Life Path Astrology®, Mythic City Method©, Inner Temple Magick©, the Trivium and Natural Law, the initiate begins the path towards self-mastery, which ultimately uncovers the movement he/she came here to lead.
I’m here to support you every step of the way!
Self-Rulership Education
The work we do together is truly a rite of passage and anyone who embarks on the Sacred Anarchy journey will learn the art of self-rulership. This very principle is the core foundation to shaping the new aeon, where self governance and living a life in accordance to your own divine plan is the soul-ution.
It is truly my honor to serve you with this powerful and magickal approach to sovereignty, for it is the leaders of the new aeon who are spearheading the future, healing the past, and recreating the ways of the present.
The initiate’s journey should be embarked on in an orderly fashion.
=> already living your purpose, but just need a little extra guidance? The Sacred Anarchy Inner Circle offers direct access to me, as well as pop-up trainings to help you grow your movement. You also get a FREE MEMBERSHIP to HOLARCHY as a member!
=> enroll in my 13-day free course to get started with the esoteric knowledge you need to know in order to find your niche in the NEW WORLD!
=> check out the Sacred Anarchy Podcast available on iTunes & Spotify, as well as the video version of the podcast housed inside the Sacred Anarchy Mystery School (see below)
=> join the Sacred Anarchy Parallel Society and meet your fellow initiates!
=> take your occult knowledge to the next level with The Great Rebirth Series to uncover the mysteries that have been hidden from the masses
=> join the waitlists to my robust occult teachings and methodologies to be alerted when doors open or space becomes available. Most of my programs are 3-6 months and doors open just 1x per year.
Occult Self Study
My digital workshops, book + ebooks, kits and other introductory classes can be found on the Sacred Anarchy Temple
The Occultist Guide to Tarot - digital workshop
Sacred Anarchy Book: How The Great Work Creates the New World
Many of these courses deal with the Nightside or invisible world of the unconscious mind, intuitive and psychic development, deep esoteric healing and holistic reprogramming, connecting to the Universal Mind, utilizing the ancient system of Cabala, the Tarot, astrology, alchemy, Magick, the process of individuation, repairing the aura and subtle bodies, and so much more!
The Sacred Anarchy Temple
I’ve been slinging elixirs of life since I began my healing journey in 1997! Enjoy handmade and healing potions inside the Sacred Anarchy Temple! Here you will find publications, goodies for your altars and sacred space, colognes, purification, and more!
The Mystery School you’ve been waiting for!
The Sacred Anarchy Mystery School is where all my trainings, certifications, and workshops are housed. It is a sacred place where you will continue your occult education and the refinement of your esoteric features will be facilitated. The teachings are laced with Western Occultism, Esoteric Psychology, Healing & Divination, and Self-Rulership, so you can BE the change you wish to see in the world.
This is a school for occultists and leaders of the new aeon offering a wide collection of self-study courses, magickal processes and classes all created by Angel Quintana. Almost all courses come with a private group inside the Sacred Anarchy Parallel Society where you are free to ask Angel questions during your occult studies.
To learn more and get started now ~